The birth of MAA General Assurance Phils., Inc.(MAAGAP) took place when its parent company, MAA International Group Ltd. (MAAIG) from Malaysia ventured to strategically expand its business in Asia. MAAIG is an offshore composite insurance company licensed under the Offshore Insurance Act 1990 in Labuan International Offshore Financial Centre (IOFC) to underwrite life and general insurance and reinsurance business.
MAA General Assurance Phil., Inc. offers insurance service for motor car, personal accident and health, property or fire and allied perils, engineering, aviation, marine and hull, casualty and bonds.
We are committed to providing quality non-life insurance products and services that meet customer's requirements and to building culture driven towards meeting customers’ individual needs.
Be prepared because no one can surely predict the future. But we can protect it. Be always sure, not just insured. So, get your travel insurance policy that are just made for you.